December 22, 2011

Skating in a NON-Winter Wonderland

I have had such a great time with the brand new Ice Skating Rink in Downtown Redmond. It is a great place to have some fun at a great price. I love the economic part to it as well. There are free skate times when there is no attendant for renting skates and so it is close to empty for those of us that have skates ourselves. (I picked up some skates at a great price at Big 5) If I were to go skating at 7th Mountain Resort with renting the skates, it would take THREE times to make up for getting my own. Here in Redmond the prices are much better. The entrance is $1 and then $3 for renting skates so that makes a total of $4 if you need to rent skates. Such a deal.

I really like that I can skate for free in the mornings though. It is a removable rink as well, so that is a nice feature so in the summer, the space can be available for other uses.

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