March 10, 2009

Dogs and a Major Concert

What is the best dog breed? In my lifetime, my family has had: a Corgie/Beagle, a Purebred Cockerspaniel, and a Boxer/Lab. When I was young, I loved my Boaz (Corgie/Beagle). He was a soft, sweet dog, that loved me despite the things I did to him when I was younger. Then we had Charity, "My little Black Girl"as dad Loved to call her. She was a good dog but barked at everyone, even people she knew. Then, of course there's our current dog, Rebecca. She is a great dog. I love playing with her and throwing the ball.  When I was off living on my own, I missed having a dog and I was just thinking about how dogs can fill a life. I am housesitting for a family in our church this week and they have a Beagle, Toby, and he is SOO cute. He knows when he gets food and lets you know when he needs to go out.
If I was living alone, all by myself, I would get a dog as soon as I was on my own. They are such good companions.

On another topic, I cannot wait for a concert that is happening in a few weeks. I am organizing a trip for our College Career group to go to this concert from here in Bend all the way to Portland for the weekend of March 22nd-23rd.
The concert is just $10. and has some great bands. Hawk Nelson, Jeremy Camp, MercyMe and Addison Road are all the bands that will be there in Portland at the Memorial Colluseum.  We are all so excited to take this trip. We will be leaving Sunday after church, get some food in Madras, on our way, and then get over to Portland so we can spend some time in the big city, then go to the Concert and we will be staying on a floor overnight, get up and get some breakfast and get out to go over the mountain. I can't wait.

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