March 20, 2009

The Worst Day in School

WOW, I used to love Third Graders and had not come upon a class of third graders that I didnt enjoy teaching... That was until this year. I have been to two classrooms that were third graders that were terrible classes. Today is one of those classes. Granted, today is the day before Spring Break, and the whole atmosphere is of having a week off of school, but it shouldn't be this bad.
I think it could be the worst class I have been to in a long time. They spent about 20 minutes with their heads on their desks because they would not be quiet during that time. I was expecting about 3 minutes, not 20.
There are talkers all over the classroom, students are up out of their seats. The only time that I got them to shut up was when I raised my voice at a few students; I do NOT like to raise my voice in the classroom. Just a tough day, but its only a half day and then I go to my sisters music class to play games with the younger kids, they always have fun.

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