March 11, 2009

Trends and Rejection

What creates a craze?
Why are crazes so hard to resist?
Who are these fashionsetters, trendsetters, and etcetera.
How does one become a trendsetter?

I think a trendsettter is one who has public interest, has a mind of their own, and a unique outlet among other aspects. This topic makes me think of my sister. She is not a trendsetter, in my opinion, but she certainly has a mind of her own, a unique outlook on life, and likes to voice her uniqueness. I would not call her a trendsetter though because she is not out there and inspiring others to do as she does, she just doesn't care what others think or say, which is awesome, if you ask me. I strive to be like her in this way.

The reason this subject has been on my mind is because of an internet craze. When I was in Junior High and High School the craze was Instant Messenger, everyone who was anybody was on IM. At first, "That's stupid" was my response. Then enevitably, I decided I needed to get on IM and I loved being on it, then the craze was gone and so was I. Next came MySpace. MySpace, I thought the same way, why would anyone want to waste their precious time on that stupid website, then I was peer pressured to get on so I could further God's Kingdom by connecting with students I was hanging out with in LaGrande. Then of course, I became a MySpace ADDICT. I was on constantly and there was not a time that I went online, that I would not check my MySpace to see if I had any new messages or post or whatnot. Now, the past 6 months or so, its Blogs and FaceBook. As you can see, I am into blogs now, I have enjoyed figuring out how this all works and have been fairly consistant these past few days. I started a blog a few years ago but did not get very far and did not see a need for one, but I wanted to start one up for a journal-type of thing for my website; add some bulk to the website if you will. I have enjoyed this blog so far, but it makes me think, What will happen in 5 years from now? Will I still be blogging then, or even in one year, or 6 months? I am so fickle technology-wise.
Facebook is another issue for me. It seems to be "The New MySpace" and I deleted my MySpace account because of my addiction. Also, I seem to like to reject "THE POPULAR" thing to do. Just like iPods. I used to hate iPods because they were all the rage, then I gave in and got one and never looked back. I love my iPod, its amazing the technology. Anyways, I was peerpressured into Facebook again and we will have to see. I think I will be trying to limit my connectedness to Facebook just to make sure that I don't get carried away- Afterall, it will be dead in 3 years, just like MySpace.

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