March 13, 2009

Spring Air and Substitute Teaching in it.

Don't you LOVE the first day that feels like spring is on the way after a winter that has seemed so long? I am not saying that we had a huge cold winter, but today felt like the first day of Spring. Something was in the air, the sun was out, the wind a bit chilly, but still nice enough to go out and sit on the porch. I think that is such an invigorating feeling to have after a winter season. It lets you know that Spring isnt quite there, but is so close you can taste (and smell) it. I also feel like this around this time, and it almost makes me want to change my favorite season (from Summer) to Spring, ALMOST!

So, being a Substitute teacher in this economy has its ups and downs. There are alot of us subs in the district this year and so getting a sub job has been more difficult than previous years. The last two years, I have been a Sub in Central Oregon and the first of the year starts out slow but then it picks up and I have no problems except maybe the week before and after a long break such as Christmas or Spring Break or whatnot. No problems, that is, until June, then I get hardly any jobs. Anyways, this year, has been tough, it started out WAY slow and has been up and down and this month (granted Spring Break) it has been the worst. I have one days worth of work so far this month and expect it to be bad next week and the next as well.
Anyways, I just have to give it all to God and trust that he will provide.

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