March 17, 2009


Where have you been lately? As for me, I have been very few places. Born and raised in Central Oregon, I have not been so far throughout the United States. I have traveled around Oregon and seen most of what Oregon has to offer. I've also been through Washington and California. I have traveled as far North as Alaska, and as far south as Tijuana, Baha Mexico. But, as far as traveling East and West, I have never traveled farther East than Nebraska. I really would like to do more traveling within the US, but also I would like to do international traveling.

As of recently, I have been chosen to participate in a mission trip to Latvia. I am so excited to go on this trip. The mission trip is a part of my church, First Baptist Church of Bend. We will be leaving July 9th and returning July 22nd.

A part of this trip is to go to Latvia to help out Eagles Wings Camp. Our group of Eleven people will be in two parts working at the camp. One group, the Men's team will be building various things at the camp, such as a High Ropes Course, and a boating dock, as well as other projects. Then the other group, a College-aged group, that I am a part of, will be working with the Middle and High School Students attending the camp to disciple them in Christ and share the Love of God.

There is a catch though, I have to help raise the funds for this trip. The expected amount of money per person going to Latvia is around $2,500. That's alot. We will be working as a group for fundraiser items as well as working individually to raise the money.

I am really excited to see what God has planned for this trip and will start a blog about the trip as soon as it really starts to take off with preparations and on the trip and after the trip. Stay tuned to hear more about this exciting part of my life.

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