March 9, 2009

I'm a Scardy Cat

So, as for my love life, I have been proud to announce to anyone who asks (or sometimes not even asking) that I have had "One and Only Girlfriend" and been proud of that. Part of that status is because I did not date in High School. I felt (and still feel) that Dating has a purpose. That purpose is to find the Person that God has in store for you for marriage. So in High School or under, I feel there is no need to date. 

Also, another aspect is how much of a scardy-cat I am. I do not like to take risks, I am a safe person, I don't like to put myself out there, all vulnerable and so on. So, I usually don't tell others about my feelings for them. If I have a crush on a young woman, I do not go up to her and ask her our, I may tell my friends or my family I like her but I never do anything about it. That changed as of last night. I made a decision to let someone in my life know of my feelings for them and put myself on the line. I know its sortof a bad way of doing it, but I emailed her explaining my feelings. I am not much of a phone person, and every time I would like to talk to her about it, we were around others and I didn't feel comfortable about talking that way, so I had to use the email.

The email was composed this morning and I am currently waiting for a response. Man, I Hate  waiting, I have patience issues, not just in these types of cases but also in other aspects of my life. Being a teacher, I have quite a bit of patience for other people, children esspecially, but there is a threashold there. Also, I have noticed that the threashold lowers exponentailly when I do not have time to myself (like in a family vacation for example) and also when I don't get enough sleep, or am tired.

So, other things are going on in my life right now, but I am going to have to set those down in another entry.

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