March 9, 2009

Life and Love and Why

She is not interested in me. Ya know, its funny how God works. I prayed a whole bunch before I composed that email expressing my feelings to her. Not that she would say yes, but that it was the right thing to do. On big things like this I always try to pray for guidance. I prayed this morning that if He had her in my future that it would be clear to both of us. I also prayed that if it was not, then He would show us. I also knew that this was the right thing for me to do because of my scardy-cat-ness. I needed to take that chance, to get out there, and put my feelings on the line. I have the view that if you never take a chance like that then when you do, it'll be VERY tough. So even though she did not have the same feelings for me, I am alright with it. I know God's plan for me will be great. I also know that I am a very great catch; I have wonderful qualities, "I am a sexy man of God" (a quote from Rasing Helen, just in case you were wondering)

As for now, I am waiting on God for future relationships. I do not feel that he has anyone else in my life right now. 

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