August 4, 2009

Ode to the Red Hot

Ode to the Red Hot

You have served me well
You have given it your all
(which was not that much)
Ode to the Red Hot

I'll remember you fondly
your oil drips
your clutch slips
your starter problems
your turned milk smell
Ode to the Red Hot

The Gas mileage
the hundred thou count
the countless trips
the blastin music
Ode to the Red Hot

Where did I not go with you?
We coasted through the coast
We whinnied up the mountain
We zoomed through the Grande Rhone Valley
Ode to the Red Hot

The zips and swerves around the corners
No one could keep up with you
I will miss those narrow street-wide U-turns
with your radius laughing
at anyone who dared to follow.
Ode to the Red Hot

You took me through those college years
the long trips to EOU and Back Home
the cruising trip to Joseph
and many trips around LaGrande
Ode to the Red Hot

Your hot and sticky seat
on those warm summer days
with no Air Conditioning
and only the wind to cool
Ode to the Red Hot

How I will miss the tiny car that IS the Red Hot!

For those of you that did not know, I called my car the Red Hot because it is tiny and it was Red. Yes, I know it is very good logic. Anyways, my little Red Hot has been increasingly getting worse and worse for wear in the recent years. It started with a clutch problem, the second gear was not working well, it took a little extra finesse to use it correctly, then the car many times, would not start up correctly, I would have to put the car in the gear that I needed it to go in and then start it up and rev the engine enough to keep it going and pretty much pop the clutch to go. Then another issue arose just fairly recently, the oil started leaking on the thing. I have had to put in extra quarts of oil a few times in between the oil changes. I always have to keep an extra quart or two in the car at all times.
But anyways, I had plans to run the car to the ground- which I have done a good job of that- and save up money for a new one-which i haven't done a good job with that because of a bad subbing year and also getting ready to go back to school. Luckily, my father was also in the market for a new car. His is not totally out like mine, but he has been saving up money for a future car purchase. Recently with his new job that he is driving to Spokane and back to Central Oregon every week, he was more serious about looking for a replacement car. So we have been looking for fuel economical cars that have AC, and Cruise, everything else was not as needed. I have been looking on and also on Craigslist. I found one when he was out of town in Spokane. It was a Ford Focus at Robberson Ford in Bend. I found it on Craigslist priced at 12,995. Then went to Robbersons website to find an internet price at 9995. There was also an eprice that I signed up for, and someone called from there saying they have a better price- 8995. So we made an appointment to see it this morning. Dad and I went and took my car. He had wanted to trade my car in to get rid of it and then give me his older car. After testing it, we saw it was good and went after it. There were only a few things that were not ideal, but for the price, it was amazing.
So, long story long, (Not short obviously) My little Red Hot is in their hands and we got a new car.
I am excited for my dad and his new car. From the time Focus' wer introduced, I loved the look of them.

So, Farewell Little Red Hot!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's great that you got a new car!(well new to you anyway)I will kind of miss the Little Red Hot though.Great ode by the way, very well written!=)