December 1, 2011

27 Day of Christmas Photos- 1986

The Christmas Photo of yesteryear for today is circa 1986. I was almost three years old. I still remember the train plate, bowl, and cup.

 Boy, how cute was I. Much cuter than my sisters, even with the whole everybody-loves-how-cute-twins-are-thing. Just look at that smile.

The Photo from today is actually from about a week ago. What you see is the top ledge area over my room. It has all the presents that I have had since early November and every present for this year, since. Now, those presents are "nestled safely under our tree... nestled safely under our tree...under our tree" (points to the person who can guess what Christmas movie that quote is from)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is there a prize involved if I guess right? ;-)
You know, the youngest boy I nanny looks a lot like you did when you were three I just realized!