March 26, 2009

What a Weekend!

Wow, driving all the way to Portland from Bend- a 3 hour drive about- and no concert. Ever since I had found out about the Rock and Worship Concert in Portland, I was planning on going. You just can't beat the price of $10 for 4 great Christian bands; MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson, and Addison Road. I was pumped, and couldn't wait to go. So the concert was scheduled to be at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, which holds 11,000 people on Sunday night, March 23rd at 6pm.  I got together a group of us to go from our College Group and we checked out a van. We planned to travel to Portland from Bend right after church, we got together and left at a decent time. We got into Portland and hung out for a bit at Washington Square, then went on our way to the coliseum (which took a while because it was hard to follow Maggie- my GPS system) and once we got there, we found out that - hey Guess what, the concert is sold out! I was pretty upset at first because we drove all that way to go to this concert that was at a huge place and they did not even have tickets that you could buy online. If they expected it to be sold out, they should have sold them online so people like me wouldn't drive all that way for nothing. So, yeah to be honest, at first, I was bummed.
We collected ourselves and got our whole group together and decided we would make the best of the weekend in PTown. We decided to go out to a nice Dinner. We all agreed on the Old Spaghetti Factory, the one in downtown Portland on the Waterfront. That was great, but Maggie again led us astray (this time was not her fault, they had the wrong address on their website.) So we drove and walked around for an hour using two different GPS units and could not find this Restaurant.  Finally, we got a number and called a few times and asked for directions to the place. After all that time, we made it into the Old Spaghetti Factory. We had a great time at Dinner. The facility was wonderful and we had great fun hanging out and doing "the Manly Bonding, going to the Center for Physical Fitness" (inside joke). After dinner, my sister decided she was too tired from previous activities that she had to ditch us and go back to where she was staying to sleep. After dropping her off, we went to where we were going to stay, at my Aunt Christy and Uncle Mark's house. I really appreciate my Aunt and Uncle for letting us crash on their floor that night and making us breakfast the next morning.
Anyways, we got there and got ready for bed, then we stayed up and were talking with my relatives and with eachother. Since our college group usually has a Bible Study on Sunday nights, we decided to have our own bible study. This was great fun. We read the same chapter that our normal group did and I really enjoyed listening to what these ladies had to say about the chapter. Usually, I don't hear them speak up, and so it was great to hear them speak up in this situation.
The next morning, we got up and had a wonderful breakfast that my Aunt made for us. We left and went on an errand to Krispy Kreme to get doughnuts for families (a special treat for those of us who do not have one close to us) and then went to Powell's Bookstore in Downtown Portland, what a great place that is. We spent a few hours there at Powell's. Afterwards, we picked up a friend in Portland and headed home.
Even though we did not see a concert, that I was told was an awesome one, I still had a great time getting to know those girls more and I think our friendship went deeper this weekend. God works all things for the good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like being called a lady, and I do to speak up at bible study(insert foot stamp here)just not much!=)