August 7, 2010

Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.

WOW, this post challenge is quite a tough one to think about!

I have to think about things that I do that others do differently. What could it be.

I have even enlisted my family to think about this with me, but we have no idea.
Now my sister thinks that I, along with the rest of the family, sing the Messiah parts during the Christmas story, but I totally deny that. Most people would not sing the Messiah parts during a reading of the Christmas story, but my family does. That is something they do differently than most.

One thing that I do differently than my family though is wanting a schedule.
When we go on vacations, I like to know when we are leaving and where we are going and then what, and then what...
The rest of my family is very flexible, but I enjoy knowing exactly what is going to happen.
I know it is not all that much different than most people, but it is different than the rest of my family.


Unknown said...

Hmm, you are the only person I've ever seen bring their lap top on vacation, and then spend time downloading pictures instead of on the beach. But, that's just how you are!
You also have an interesting knack of leaving a room without anyone noticing. I can’t count the times after collage group when we would all hang around and talk and someone would say something to you, you wouldn’t answer so we would all look around and realize you were gone!

TimKirkman said...

It's okay to be invisible sometimes. I don't need to make a big entrance or exit. (Unlike someone related to me)

TimKirkman said...

And its not downloading pictures, its uploading pictures and I believe there are many people who do that now that WIFI is everywhere and Facebook is communication. I have relatives right now on vaca and I get to see their adventures.