August 14, 2010

Day Twenty-eight: a Scar you have and your story

Well, the most infamous scar I have is from when I was probably in 3rd or 4th grade. It was summertime. My sisters were in Jr. high and having a friend over. I was being the annoying little brother that I AM and was making faces at my sisters through the outside window-door.

My sister decided that she would run up to the door and block my face from them so I would perhaps go away. Well, she gets up and starts running to the window where I was, and she ran right through the window. Well, needless to say since my face was pressed up right against the window when she was running her hand through it and it broke the glass and shattered right into my upper lip.
My mom was outside and saw the whole thing and had to come and help me and my bleeding all around my face. She didn't even see Kristin's wrist cuts as well.

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