August 15, 2010

Day Twenty-nine: Hopes, Dreams, and Plans for the next 365 days.

I think the biggest, hope and dream for my in the next year is to get a permanent job. A job has been the major thing on my mind since I ended my College career (With a Bachelors) and that was about 4 years ago- even over 4 years. A permanent job will be such a fulfilling feeling. As a substitute, I do enjoy my life- the ability to not have any homework to correct, being able to stand a super bad class for at least a day and to know that I don't have to go back to that horrible class again- but I would so enjoy the ability to have much more financial stability. I would love to have a class and classroom that I could call my own and really get to know the students on a deeper level, not just their names or only the names of the troublemakers. I want to make a difference in childrens' lives and as a substitute, it is very difficult to do that on a deeper basis.
I would love to have a job.

A plan I have for the next year is to get done with my Masters degree and pay it off totally. I know this is a big goal considering I have about 9 thou that I need to pay off, but I would love to make that happen so I could start saving my extra money (if there is any) for other purchases such as a newer car (notice I did not say, new, I said NEWER!) and larger items such as that.

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