August 10, 2010

Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.

 Well, I am not going to presume that there is a movie that others would not expect me to like. What I am going to be blogging about today is a movie that I did not expect I would like. That movie was August Rush.
It did not seem like a "Tim" movie, but I found out a few years later that I did like it.
To be totally honest, because I had this preconceived notion that I would not like this movie, when it was given to me as a gift for Christmas about 3 years ago, I left it in the packaging cellophane until just a month or two ago when I finally decided to give it a try. Well, I found out that I really did like it quite a bit. Not an absolute favorite, but a good movie, especially if you are into music.

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