August 8, 2010

Day 22: A Website

There are so many good websites out there. How can I choose just one. The post challenge doesn't even have a criteria. It doesn't say a favorite website. It doesn't say a website that you hate to go to. It doesn't say a website you created. It doesn't say a website that you go to everyday. It doesn't say a website that has your personal content on it. It doesn't say a website that you find very useful.

Because there is no criteria, I have decided to find websites for all those above criteria that I wondered about.

It doesn't say a favorite website.
I love Google because for one thing, I can find pretty much anything I need. And another reason is because Google has amazing products and services too.

It doesn't say a website that you hate to go to.
 I do not like to go to edzapp because it is a teacher job search and everytime I go there, I see the sad state of no jobs around or the fact that the few jobs there are, that I applied to, are already filled. I don't enjoy going to Edzapp.

It doesn't say a website you created.
 I created this site specifically for my schoolwork last year. It was an easy interface and if you want to create your own website for free and make it simple, try out

It doesn't say a website that you go to everyday.
There are a number of websites I got to everyday. I enjoy checking my mail, my facebook, and my blog each day to see what is new with people around me.

It doesn't say a website that has your personal content on it.
YouTube has my personal content on it. I enjoy uploading videos to YouTube. My YouTube channel has 71 uploads on it plus a number of favorites that I enjoy watching.

It doesn't say a website that you find very useful.
 I find church media design to be a great website that is useful to me. I enjoy watching the vodcast episodes that Brad puts out. He has a plethora of knowledge and I like to learn more and more things in that field.

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