August 24, 2010

My Personal Website Evolution

Everyone these days is talking about HTML5 as the cool new way to do websites that is very compatible with everything, but I still really like Flash. To me, Flash websites are so impressive. I have never been one to want to pay for a website of my own but would rather use free services for my personal websites that I create.

I started off on my first website with a Microsoft online tool that started out free, and then it eventually went to a fee site. The cool thing about that site was that I had a free domain of  It was quite a cool feature to have my own name as my domain. But, as I said, eventually that went to a fee site so I ditched it.

The next site that I created was with google. I love pretty much everything Google. They are very innovative. I tried out a Google Sites. Sadly, I never really got into the sites web. I liked that Google linked it to my google account and I could get to it easily and I liked that other google products (like Maps and Cal) could be imported into it. 

The next free site I tried was  Weebly is a great free site and looks very professional. Weebly is very easy to use and has some great abilities. I still have my Weebly.

The latest site that I have found via a google sponsored link is  WIX is the first flash site that is free that I have found. WIX is very user intuitive and i think anyone could create a very diverse and professional looking site. Check it out. Its fun to use- but be warned- you will start working on it and not want to stop- There is so much you can do with it.

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