August 12, 2010

Day Twenty-six: A Childhood Memory

I would have to say the childhood memory that stands out in my mind the most is kindergarten. Being the youngest and having my mother a stay-at-home mom for my early years, came with some great rewards. My sisters were off in Elementary school 3rd grade to be precise, and I was in Kindergarten.

Now, I went to an early Kindergarten at Sonshine School- my church Kinder, and then I also went to an afternoon Kindergarten at the Elem. school that I spent my years at. What I remember the most was coming home for lunch in between Kindergarten and having a Girl or Boy Cheese Sandwich and watching Perry Mason.

There are two things you need to know. One is that Girl Cheese was Cheddar. And Boy Cheese was Mozzarella. Being young, I did not know it was called Grilled Cheese. Those were good times.
Another very persistent childhood memory was when my mother was cleaning the kitchen and dining room floors, she would move all the table items to the living room and I would get to arrange them into a fort and use blankets to cover them up. IT WAS AWESOME!

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