August 14, 2010

Movies, Movies, Movies

Despicable MeWell, I just recently watched two movies in the silver screen. I watched Despicable Me and The Other Guys.
One of those movies was hands down a great movie, the other had its parts. I bet you can guess which is Better- Despicable Me! It was an amazing movie. There was a part in the movie where Gru, the main character, takes the girls to a theme park and they have some great bonding time. I was amazed that a movie could make me feel the way it did. Not in the, Oh how cute way, or emotions even, but in the sense that when they went on the Roller Coaster Ride, the first big dive actually made me have a momentary queezyness. I did not think that movies in theatre that are stationary could make me feel that way. Granted, if you go to Disneyland and go to the Star Tours ride, it is in a movie theatre and the chairs move and that can somewhat make me queezy, but thats a bit different.
Anywho, I really enjoyed Despicable Me and will most likely ask for the movie for Christmas or whatever. It had some great parts and great animation and great acting. ... It was just GREAT.

The Other GuysThe Other Guys on the other hand, was not bad, but not as good as I thought it might be. I love Will Ferrell. He cracks me up so much.There were def. some good parts for this movie and many parts had me laughing out loud (yes, indeed, I was LOLing) but there were other parts that just made me think that they had nothing better to do than do some crass humor. I mean if they cut these crass, obnoxious parts out, it would be a truely great movie, but the film was riddled with these parts that they could have done without. So, even though there were parts that made me laugh SO much, I would have to give this one a 9.... out of 15 rating. (yes, I know its crazy, my ratings system and all, but I think that having just 5 options doesn't allow as much of an opinion as adding more stars to rate on.)

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