October 12, 2010

Beware the last line- Just Wright Review

Okay, so I have been waiting for Just Wright to come to Redbox and being the releasing tuesday (that is not restricted to just Blockbuster- Stupid cheating-type deals) of the movie to Redbox, I picked it up. Yeah, I know I am cheap, but I will wait another month to rent at Redbox and pay $1 rather than pay up to $5 for a few days from BlockBuster.
I just got done with watching this movie and I have to give it 5 stars on my side. I did not hear much about this movie when it was in theaters but every once in a while I check online on Apple's Trailers and search for good movies that I would like to see in theaters or rent or buy. Well, I knew that this one looked good enough to rent, and I was totally right.

The premise is about Leslie Wright, a physical therapist, who is a die-hard NY Nets fan. (On a side note, I think it is really funny that there are a number of NY teams that are short names that match- Nets, Jets, Mets, ect) She meets one of the stars of the NY Nets and just as you would expect, he breaks his body- He tore something in his knee and needs her help. Another major part of this story is that she has a cousin that is self-involved and her plan is to marry a famous person so she doesn't have to work. She is so fake and makes terrible choices so much so that you just HAVE to not like her.
Leslie is always passed up in her dating life because of being a "Homegirl"- someone who is so cool but not considered more than a great friend. She deals with throughout the movie.

The characters are so wonderful. I love the fact that Leslie (Queen Latifah) is herself,  not someone that is fake. And the basketball star is a genuinely nice guy- you just wonder why it takes him so long to realize certain facts.
I believe that this movie has moved to one of my current favorites. Yes, it is a chick-flick/Romantic Comedy and I am a fan of that type. That's just me and I want to be like Leslie- true to myself. ;)

So, as for me, I highly recommend Just Wright. I also love the fact that it PG with no language and sexual content (except the fact that the main characters "Hook Up"--they just don't show more than needed to get the point across.

Be aware though- the very last line of the movie is sweet but incredibly cheesy!

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