October 6, 2010

I Like It...

So, I am a curious person. There are two meanings to that statement. One might say I was curious (as in weird) or you might describe a trait that I have as curious. Sure, curiosity killed a cat, and it gets a certain famous monkey in trouble, but for us higher-thinking beings, I believe that curiosity is a good trait. It shows an interest in things. It shows that we are aware of the things and world around us. I have always been one to be curious about how things work. I like to take things apart to see exactly what they do. Now, don't get me wrong, that has brought problems before, when I take something apart to see how it works and then, low and behold, it stops working. Anyway, enough with those examples.

 I will re-state- I AM A CURIOUS PERSON! I guess that is the wonderful thing about Google for me. When I get curious about something, I can just pop on the internet, head to my favorite search engine- GOOGLE of course, and type in my question and 83% of the time I get my answer (That was a How I Met Your Mother reference if you didn't get it- Barney always uses the same percentage when he is making up a stat). It is a wonderful thing to have an ever-expanding knowledge base that I can always go to. However did we find information before the Internet??

So, stating that information about my curiousity and the Internet, I have a confession to make....
When I see things on Facebook or whatever and they keep coming up, I have a curiousity that I need to know what is being said. Take just a few days ago. I had a friend mention on FB as a status that she liked it on the table and on the floor. I didn't really think too much about it, just thought it was weird. Then I see another friend mention where she likes it. That is what got me confused even more.  The curiousity getting the best of me, I did a simple Google search

And there you have it. I found out what it meant.  Now, to be totally honest, I am not a fan of secrets.
To quote the office- "Secret secrets are no fun. Secret secrets hurt someone!" It's just like last years Bra color thing. But, ya know, I am not one to spill the beans on this one. I am, though, commenting on it like I know. (because I do) So, there you have it- my insane curiosity and the pursuit of useless  knowledge!
So, any of my friends of the girl persuasion that has not posted about the I Like It, feel free to, but just know that I will most likely comment as I know about the Secret secret.


Unknown said...

Even thoug I am a freind of the girl persusion; at least the last time I checked..... Is it bad that I'm still rather confused as to what in the world they are talking about??

Alex Quillian said...

Do you mean about the "I like it" thing. It's about where women like to keep their purses. As to the reason why they deliberately never say the word purse to keep men in the dark beats me.