October 16, 2010

Music of the Night or Afternoon & My Preoccupation

Anyone who knows me knows that I like plans and lists and schedules. I like to know what is going on right now and what will happen in the future.
When I was taking college courses I thrived on the class schedules when they came out. I knew which classes I wanted to take and I found the best ones at the best times. I had a four-year plan for each class I wanted to take and checked them off when I accomplished them. I looked forward to that day when they released the new schedules of when and where the next term classes were available. I'm just weird. "God made me special and He loves me very much! Goodbye" Well, not really goodbye, but you get my reference (I hope)

Anyways, I was thinking about my freakiweird-ness (yes, I mashed those two words up when I was in Jr. High and just thought my mashed up word would be great in this context) today as I was listening to my mothers quartet plus one, minus one in their Music in Public Places concert at the Redmond Library. I took a seat in the front area and inadvertently sat in a place that I could watch the music go by. I did not do this on purpose, but I did find that it was very nice to watch the music pass as it did. I thought about how it made it more interesting. Now, someone who could not read music might not appreciate this as much as those of us who can read music, (If you can read this, thank a music teacher - Its a bumper sticker that I have see pointing at a piece of music) I found it exciting. Although the lady that I was sitting by was asking my mother a few questions about the music and mentioning how she could not read music but it was also invigorating for her as well to watch the music go by.
Well, as I was sitting there and watching the music go by and listening to the awesome sounds of the Dove String Quartet minus one, plus one, I was thinking about why I might enjoy watching the music go by?

Was it because I wanted it to end and I wanted to see the finish line? No, I don't think that was it.

Was it because I had nothing better to do and was bored? Nope.

Was it because I like to know the schedule and what is coming up next? Yup. I think that was the reason that I enjoy watching the music go by. I like to know what is going to happen next.
I find it very interesting that I like to know what is happening even while I am listening to a live classical music performance.
Now, I know there are some of us out there like me, but I would venture to guess that most people in this situation would not be thinking about what is coming next, but would instead just soak up the music and perhaps visualize the music or a scenario that the music might be portraying.

What about you?
What would you be thinking, watching, listening to, visualizing, at a live performance?

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Melodic structure, form, chord progression, folk influences, "Was that a fugue subject in there?....I thought fugues weren't hip until Mendelssohn!" or "Oooooooohhh! Killer deceptive cadence!" - all experienced today listening to that Beethoven.