October 13, 2010

Remedy- Or is it?

Who actually likes the Hiccups? I know that I never have. I always heard all these cures for hiccups:
*Holding your breath
*drinking water
*drinking as much water as you can in one sitting so you can't even breath
*ect, ect

Well, none of those things ever worked for me. I just always had to wait it out. Never fun. Well, I don't quite remember where I heard this one (it very well could have been a Pillsbury telling me about it) but this cure actually works for me 100% of the time. It Peanut Butter.
Now, if you have a peanut allergy, I might stray away from this remedy, but all it is is just taking a spoonful of peanut butter, and magically the hiccups stop.
Now, when I first heard this and tried it, I took a huge spoonful of peanut butter. Not smart.  It took forever to go down. Now that I have used this remedy a few times, I know that the size of the spoonful doesn't have to be huge.
Maybe its all in my brain because I just a few hiccups this afternoon and I went to go get the Peanut Butter and a spoon and when I opened the jar and took a spoonful, my hiccups were gone- even BEFORE I ate the peanut butter spoonful. Who knew, right?!

Well, since I am on annoying habits of the body, lets talk about sneezing. Thats another one of those things that you hear all these different ways to make yourself sneeze- Pepper and whatnot. Well, I found out the best way to make yourself sneeze when you have that tickle and I learned it from a movie a long time ago- Angus, I believe.
It is to tilt your head back and look straight into light. It works. Every time that I need to sneeze, all I have to do is look at a bright light.
Try out these remedies sometime. They work well.


Unknown said...

Do you know that that trick only works for about 10% of the population? And if you google that and find out that that's not true, blame Shawn!

Alex Quillian said...

There are some pretty ridiculous theories as to why looking into the light can make you sneeze. My favorite being that "photons shoot up your nose."