October 27, 2010

Call it in sick- shesh

I was having lunch this afternoon at a local fast food joint (I won't name names this time) and I was kinda scared to eat what I was given... Why? you may ask...
Well, the reason is because I noticed that one of my servers was coughing a whole bunch. She was putting tray sheets on the trays, coughed a few times, then continued and then a lady shows up and she takes her order and again she is hacking up something nasty. If I was the lady that was giving my order I would not feel comfortable. Anyways, she was even the one who was fulfilling the order and getting the food into the togo bag and everything. Now, being a former fast food worker, I know that you don't always take the time to wash your hands between the time of exchanging money and then fulfilling orders, but when you are coughing and then handling someone else's food, I would be disgusted. WOW.
Luckily, I never saw the cougher touching any of my food and I gave my order to someone else, so that is a good thing, but she could have had her infected body near my area at some point.
I was that manager, I would have to say that I would want to send that worker home.
If you are in the fast food (or food service in general) I would say that you need to be in top health condition to go to work and if not, call in sick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eww, I hate it when that happens!