October 18, 2010

Familiar sights and sounds

I was so happy tonight when I came across something familiar. To continue, I much move back a bit. Today on Facebook I had a friend post a YouTube video about XChristmas- a christmas cd that I enjoy. Of course, I had to take a listen to most of this cd when it was brought up. Also, I moved down all the christmas boxes from our attic which gets me in the mood.
Then, by pure chance, I have a playlist on my iPod and many songs from this CD (XChristmas) came on and I had to listen again. Just as I was listening to one of the tracks, I was driving back home at night and I saw my first Christmas lights lit up. So exciting. You may be very upset that there are christmas lights out even before Halloween, but I am happy to see the familiar song and lights and feels.


Unknown said...

Are you sure they weren't Halloween lights? My goodness it starts earlier and earlier every year, but I guess this is coming from a person who has been rehearsing a Christmas play since the beginning of September.....

Alex Quillian said...

At least you haven't been reading every single copy of The Nutcracker you can find since September. And in case you're wondering..... Yes, I have