October 10, 2010

Have I lost it?

This weekend's services were very well done. I should know, I got to be at all three. This was the first week of being on the soundboard for me. I enjoy the power. Well, somewhat true, but really I enjoy helping out where needed. I like doing the sound because it is something (at least to me) that you get it where you want it and leave it. Sure you have to do some adjusting here and there during worship, but during the sermon, you pretty much turn Pastor's microphone on and let it go. That is a nice thing for me because I have doing other jobs such as the media/slideshow/Powerpoint type before and you really have to concentrate on what is being said so you don't miss out on a cue. Sound, you can go eat on Saturday night and just hang (yeah, New Hope's got a meal for the volunteers- worship leaders, sound tech, ect on saturday nights and it's ALWAYS GOOD!)

Anyway, getting off that subject and back onto my original, I was very moved by this weekend's message. We are traveling through a series called MORPH and it is going through Revelation and the Seven Churches. I was challenged this morning by Christ's call the the church at Ephesus, to Remember their first love. O, how I long to have the same yearning and heart for God as I did when I was younger. I want that sense of wonder and Awe for God. I want to be motivated to have my daily devo rather than think of it as a chore. I want to be TRANSFORMED or MORPHED into what God wants me to be.

I feel like the church at Ephesus- having Good deeds and hard work and perseverance but having lost my first love.
Lord, may you work in Me (and all of us) and MORPH us, our whole being, into what You would have!


largefrozenfish said...

I like working the lightboard at my church. I'm not the regular lightboard operator, I just do it during childrens' events so that none of the parents have to. I don't have kids, so I figure it's a way to bless those who are by allowing them to watch their kids.

Plus it's quite a rush when I have the power to illuminate. I do try to refrain from shouting "Let there be light!" when I turn on the house lights.

Unknown said...

Amen, Tim!!