July 5, 2011

Celebration and Frivolity on the 4th

What did you do for the Fourth of July this year?
Did you wave your flag proudly? Did you attend all the cool events? Did you Spangle your Starred Banner? Did you BBQ? Hot Dogs? Burgers? Rack of Rib, Whateva? Did you spend time with family?
These are all things that make up the typical holiday of Independence Day. Oh, did I forget the Fireworks? Opps, oh well.

One more thing that must be mentioned that seems, by my viewing, to be a part of the typical celebration of the holiday is updating FB stati with patriotic messages, from the simple- "Happy 4th" to the more complex- "Happy Fourth of July! Today we declared our freedom from unjust laws and tyrannical leadership to create a God fearing and following country. Yes, we have fallen far from those first ideals, but let us not forget that we still live in America and if we have a problem with how it's being run, there is still something we can do about !"

Another FB use for 4th is putting up patriotic profile picture. And schedules. And uploading the events of the day in picture albums.  Im not saying this is bad, whatsoever. I myself put up some of these frivolities.
But did we stop to think about all that this holiday entails?
Did we think about all those lives that were given for our freedom in our country?
Did we think about the implications of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence?
As they say in National Treasure- they would have their entrails cut out and BURNED.
Did we stop and take a quiet moment in our hearts and thank those that made it possible for us to live our lives the way we do?
Did we stop and send up a prayer of thanksgiving to God for his provision?
Did we also pray for those countries right now of whom are being repressed?

Did You?

Did I?

Just something to think about!


KatySue Pillsbury said...

Hey....Did you really just swipe my FB status for your blog? First Bryon used something I'd said on FB in his sermon on Sunday and now this....maybe I should copy right my FB status and make some money! ;-)

And to answer your more serious question, yes, I do think about and am forever thankful to God and those who have served to make this country great! I am trying to live what I said in my status and vote and pray for God's hand to be on this country! =)

Ps. If you could change your commenting format from embedded to pop out it would make it much easier for me to comment. Don't ask me why, it just would....becuase I know that that's a goal in your life, to make mine easier! ;-)

TimKirkman said...

Yes, I DID take that straight from you because of your length of post. And I am pretty sure that Mark Zuckerburg OWNS your postings. They own rights to photos uploaded on there. Its crazy.
Glad you thought of those things. And I am not sure how to change that, so you will have to teach me something on Blogger to do that. hehe

TimKirkman said...

NM, found it. (as you can tell) hehe

Unknown said...

Thanks! Blogger was being weird and only letting me comment under the Name/URL setting, unless it was pop out. And I would have to press post comment at least a couple times and hope it didn't disapear along the way!