July 17, 2011

What I came home to...

I just recently went on a short trip to see my parents in La Center for a birthday celebration for mom. (She's old) We went to Harry Potter year 7, Pt2. It was great. I had an awesome time see the family that I hadn't seen in a few months. I ditched out on most of my last day of VBS to drive during that time and I got to La Center around 1ish. After their VBS, we relaxed for a few hours and then headed to Vancouver to get some dinner at a Pizza Place, which I felt took a long time, but was good pizza. Then we headed to HP7-2. It was a great movie. I liked it a whole bunch. It is really hard to put these movies in order of I like them the mostest to I like them. Some series' are really easy to categorize this way, but not HP. In view of that, I have to say that this movie, although a bit darker than some of the rest, was def. in the top 3 best movies of the HP series.
Saturday was pretty uneventful for me, but still nice.
Then Today, Sunday, I was able to play Bass for mom and dad's church and that was lots of fun to be able to do that again. I do have to say though, that my "flippin' off" finger is way sore because I have not played Bass in a few months. (and I use that finger alot while playing bass, not in a bad way)
Then we got some quick lunch and I took off. Sadly, I was not able to take MY car back home. I have been having trouble with the Green Machine with a power issue and whatnot. So, we took her to dad's mechanic on Friday and I was hoping to get it fixed and ready for me by the time I left today- didn't happen. So, I took dad's car home and will have to swap sometime soon when it is done.

On the way home, there was rain pretty much the whole way back until the Tree Line. Right at the tree line it seemed to stop instantaniously. Crazy, right? Also, I felt bad for the traffic going toward Portland because it was pretty dense. I still had some traffic, but not nearly as much as going the other way.

When I got home I started putting stuff away in my room and I came in to find a weird smell that was odd. I couldn't figure it out. Then I saw...

That is a cup of Orange Juice I left out....
this is the MOLD on top of the Cup of Orange Juice I left out...
(ahh the life of a bachelor)
I also came home to a Jury Duty Summons- Exciting. I have done Jury Duty before but was not picked. I kinda hope I do get picked for this one. We shall see. It would be some income.. hehe and I think it would be fun.
and lastly, I came home to my Glasses. I left my glasses at my Grandmother's house on my last big trip- to San Francisco, and it was the start of my trip too. So, I was without glasses the whole trip pretty much and I assumed I would find them when I cleaned out my car after the trip, but they were not there. So, the only logical place was my G-ma's house. So, after a while, she found them and mailed them back. Thanks Grandma.

So, those are the things I came home to. (because, I know you were really interested in that topic.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I got summons once, and I had to go in. It was a long boring morning, I didn't even get to see a case, it got settled outside of court!