August 5, 2010

Day 19: A Talent You Have

Well, anyone who knows me, 
knows my talent 
I do it 
all the time.. 
Picking my nose.

Just Kidding, my talent is singing. I love to sing and I am confident to say that I am good at it. I can make people cry with my singing (in a good way- not the PLEASE please stop singing way)
I was able to do many extra things in High School because of my singing talent. I got to be in District Honor choirs 3 of the 4 years I was in school (Freshman year, I was still trying to hold onto the trumpet, but was not enjoying). I got to sing at District solo festival all four years. I got to go go All-State choir two times and All Northwest Choir once. It was all awesome. 
So, there is my talent that I have. (But, I am pretty good a picking my nose too)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, I make people cry with my singing too, unfortunately in the latter way you mentioned! ;)