October 3, 2010

200,000 on the 200th

On this momentous occasion, it is only fitting that my 200th posting on my blog is my special 200,000th mile. My Green Machine- the 98 Plymouth Breeze that I have been driving for over a year and the very same car that has been in the family for about 7 years. Yes, tonight after my HUB meeting, on my way home, I passed that momentous 200,000th mile. Not many cars can reach it to that many miles. But, I am lucky that this car has lasted this long. Dad had taken good care of this car for years.
I enjoy using this car in my commute. I love the fact that it has more guts than my previous car (the Red Hot). I think it is wonderful that I can use the Cruise Control and the A/C.


Unknown said...

*gasp* Shoot! I knew I forgot something, I got to 200 posts yesterday as well and even had something all planned. Oh, well maybe I'll remember at 300! =P

largefrozenfish said...

I had a 1992 Honda Civic that lasted past 200K miles. Then the engine melted.

Of course, the fact that I was blocks from home when that happened rather than in the middle of the freeway showed me just how much God takes care of me when I don't even know it.

Congrats on all the mileage.