April 2, 2011

Changing Tires and TREADing Water.

This morning I jokingly said that this Changing tires out was going to take all day. Actually, IT DID!
Wow, what a pain.
So, since monday is the last day to legally have your studs on, I mentioned to my sister, Kelli, that she should bring her car into town and I would take her tires (already at home) and put on the highway tires. She agreed and headed this way at around 9:45 this morning. While she was doing that, I was getting my new tires from Les Schwab that were mounted on my spare set of wheels. I dropped them off the night before.
I proceeded to get them home and work on my own tires to get the new ones on there. UNlucky for me, I could not budge some of the lugnuts. I put these tires on my vehicle, I should be able to get them off right? Well, apparently not. So, I was trying with all my might.
Back on Kelli's end, she was about halfway to my house when her back tire separated. So she was on the side of the road trying to figure out how to get her car all the way home. I got a call and went to go change the tires there, by the Deschutes Market overpass.  We changed the bad one out and decided it would be best to drive her car back to my house instead of trying to change all the tires out on the side of the highway.
During this whole ordeal, a walker from Bend to Redmond passed by asking if we needed help. He also asked for a ride to Redmond. "I am just a (Boy) who caint say no" (reference anyone) and in that respect, I had to say Yes, to giving him a ride. So, after I got the new tire on Kelli's car, we proceeded to head to my house and of course I was going to drop the guy off as well. Kelli gets going on the Highway and she is smoking like mad. At first, I thought it was her exhaust giving WAY too much fumes, but looking closer found it was her tire (the one we just replaced). So, I called her (illegal) and I told her to pull over.
We got out and took a look to find that her tire was rubbing against a metal mud-flap type of thing. I pulled off the tire once again and tried to bang out the metal part so that it didn't rub. We fixed that and once again, proceeded to head home. I dropped the dude off at Big Als (Albertsons) and got home.
So, that was taken care of. Now to getting the tires changed.

Kelli's car tire lugs were on there so tight that I could not get em off. I tried all sorts of things, nothing worked. A call to Dad suggested that I get a socket set that fit nice and tight  put a pipe through the rachet and use the extra leaverage. I didn't have everything I needed, so I went to Lowes. Got home and it worked great for the back tires, but the front ones were on SO SO tight because Shwabys (Les Schwab) put them on from a recent change. I yanked so hard that I broke my Socket extender. Not a problem because I just took it off and used the regular end. Started leveraging again and broke the rachett itself. WOW, they were torqued tight. I was very frustrated by this point. Steve, my roommate, was nice enough to help out. He drove to his parents and borrowed a few things- a pipe like I had, but one that fit, and a few other things. He got back and was able to move those lugs enough to loosen em.
So, finally after hours of working, we got it taken care of. By this time, Kelli's car was finished, and it was around 12:30 or 1.

We took a lunch break at Cibelli's- good pizza.

Then I got home and started to work on my car. Here is where MORE "Fun" happens. With the help of Steve's tool, I was able to get the tires off just fine and I put the new ones on. This all took about 15-20 minutes. As kids love to say- Easy Cheezy Lemon Squeezy (Don't ask me why,... I have heard the saying at many different elementary schools) You might think that I was done right? Oh would you be so ever WRONG! I sure was. I took a break after all that morning of working on the tires. Then I decided I better clean up my tools, and clean my car out and put it in the garage. I put the tools away. I cleaned my car out so it would not look like a disaster area inside( read- as in Kelli's car interior) and TRIED to put my car in the garage. It would not budge. Oh, Boy, here we go.
I tried lots of things, but it was like the car was permanently having its break on. We (Steve and I) tried all sorts of things, thinking it was the E brake, the transmission fluid, the brake fluid, but I knew it had to be something to do with the wheels. After another Call to Dad for advice, I put on one of the snow tire wheels that worked just this morning. It didn't seem to help. It still was not going anywhere.
Finally, I gave up and put a call in to Shwabys. There was not much help there. I called AAA to get the car and transport it to Shwabys. The guy came in record time (Yahoo AAA- totally worth the money for roadside assistance) and he was worried he was not able to get to the car- parked in the driveway. With his help we tried some more stuff and he told me to take the other front wheel off of the new tires, so I did and we found out that Shwabs  must have switched the wheels by accident, because the did not fit anymore. (This was around 3:30PM) So, he was so great for helping us decyfer what was going on and what needed to be fixed. So, I had my two snow tires on in front and the new tires in back (with wheels that were not mine) and I traveled back to Shwabys to fix the issue.
I got there and waited while they checked on different things, looking for something that might have been switched, looking for other wheel bases that could be used. Finally, I was asked to pull the car around and get it up on their devices to work on. I just stood outside and watched as they tried wheel after wheel looking for a right fit. There must have been 15 different wheel tries to see if it would fit. After about an hour of being at Shwabys, they found a wheel base that would work and got them fitted and put on. By this time it was 5PM.

I had no idea this morning that it would literally (almost literally) take all day to put the tires on two cars. WOW. Long post for a long, long day. I hope I don't have to go through that again anytime soon.

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