April 26, 2011


I was reminded last night as I was driving home of a song that popped up on my playlist that just made me smile from Ear to Ear.
This song was not meant to be a funny song, but a song that glorifies God, and I feel bad that I was laughing so hard, but you would laugh too if you had the same experience that I had with this song in the past. To tell the whole story we have to go back quite a few years.

When I was a Senior in High School and then also a Freshman in College, I was attending Youth For Christ's Campus Life in Redmond. I was attending as a attender and then in College, as a (somewhat) leader/helper. After the meetings, I would take a few friends home, usually it was dark out during the school year. On many occasions, I would have a full car in my little Ford Focus, so the back seat had two people and then of course someone up front. Well, one night I was taking three friends home, Anthony and Charlotte, in the back, and then someone else up front.
What was great was we were listening to some music on my stereo and the song, I want to know you came on. Anth knew this song, but not the rest of the guests. I was singing along (as usual) and everyone else was quiet. Then at an inopportune time, Anth pipes up and starts singing too, then Char just goes crazy.
You may wonder why she went crazy and why it was an inopportune time. Well, the answer is the same- because Anth started singing at "I want to touch you..." Charlotte was a bit scared at that -being in a dark backseat with someone she didn't know too well.

And THAT will always be on my memory when that song is being played- especially when I am driving in the car and that song is being played.Thanks for the Memories, guys.

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