April 5, 2011

Pixar's 6Mo. Bday Ode

I just HAD to do a post for my pup today. Pixar is celebrating his 6mo. of living today.  He is also celebrating his practically 5mo. of living with me! So, in light of that, I am going to have to do walkthrough with y'all: (Brace yourself for many pictures of Pix)

The First Day I got him- Nov. 8, 2010

A few days after getting Pixar:

Pixar's New Bed- December (2mo.)

Pixar in December:

Pixar chillin with Becky

January 2011

Pixar meeting a new friend- Pearl

Pixar after his first Bath

Pixar - March 31

Pixar- April 5, 2011- 6 Month BDay

So, here's to you, my dog companion, my "Man's Best Friend", my copilot, my responsibility, my youthfulness, my toddler, my excited-to-see-me-every-time-I-come-back, my company, my under-my-feet-when-you-shouldn't-be, my chewer-of-blankets, my player, my yard-messer-uper, my tennis ball fetcher, my big boy, my pet.

You are growing so fast and we are both learning so much. 
Thanks for being there with me these past 5 months.
I look forward to years ahead with you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How cute! He's grown so much! Kids and dogs, they'll do it to you everytime, one day they can barely walk without tripping over thier tails the next they are asking for the car keys.....