April 11, 2011

Different kinds of Kisses- the Sloppy one's the best.

Im not a huge fan of change. Sure, change can be good, and sometimes is even needed, but change of routine is not the most fun.
This post is not about big changes, such as moving from a plase you have lived for years upon years, or having a baby, or anything icebergish at all (You like the Icebergish word? yeah, me too). This post is about little changes, song words to be more specific.
I love Weird Al and his song word changes- they're, to quote my father, a "Good Spoof" What I am talking about here is changing Worship song lyrics.

How He Loves is a great song in original format by JohnMark McMillan (to be honest, never knew that until I was doing my research for this post) and I first heard it from Jared Anderson a few months ago and fell in Love with the song. I love the descriptions of God's Love and How He Loves us. It is amazing- take a look yourself on Google or YouTube or come find me when I have my laptop near me (really, when do I not, right?) and I can play you the song.
Anyway, so I was happy to sing this song at church yesterday, but saddened to find out that one word in the lyrics was changed. I was very upset, you see. I love that picture that was taken out by that changed phrase. At first, I thought it was my church worship leaders who did this, but then realized (again, while researching for this post) that David Crowder's remake of the song changed the phrase.

The phrase I am talking about occurs in the second verse. It originally says:
So, Heaven meets earth like a Sloppy Wet Kiss, and my heart turns violently inside of my chest...
Then the alternative lyrics are:
And heaven meets earth like an Unforeseen kiss, and my heart turns....

So, there ya have it. Which do you think is better, giving off a great word picture? The first one right?

I have another story about changed worship lyrics:
When I was in Upper Elem/Jr. High a song that was popular to sing in worship was I Could Sing of Your Love Forever.
In that song, some lyrics were changed because it was talking about Dancing. Being a BAPTIST church, we couldn't have a song about dancing. Dancing is of the Devil, right?
Well, instead of Oh, I feel like Dancing... it was changed to Oh, I feel like Im Loved.
Well, there ya have it. Changing song lyrics is not a good idea.

Use the original lyrics dude (that is unless it the change is Theology-based, and then perhaps just find a new song if it doesn't fit into your theology.)

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