April 19, 2011

Cold, Early, Easter Sunrise Service

This last Christmas time, I did 50 days of Christmas. I plan to do that for Easter, but certainly NOT 50 days worth. I have a few posting ideas. Today is about Early Easter Morning.

Ever since I can remember, I would get up extremely early on Easter morning and head out to stand in the cold for what felt like a very long time, (but in actuality was only about 45min. or so) with many old people. What I am talking about is an Easter Sunrise Service.
Dad being the Pastor that he was, and a part of the Redmond Ministerial Association, was always involved in the community wide Easter Sunrise Service. This Easter Service was always outside, usually at the Juniper Golf Course, and was a small service to remember what kind of morning it could have been like when Jesus was Resurrected from Death and the Grave. We would always go (my dad bringing my sisters and I) and it would be a super fun time. We got to sing hymns that we didn't sing in other church services and always saw the same people go to that service.
Up from the grave he arose, (He Arose) with a mighty triumph o'r his foes (He Arose), He arose a victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to reign, He Arose (He Arose), He Arose (He Arose), Hallelujah, Christ Arose.
After some years, probably late elementary/early MS, my sisters wanted to sleep in, but I never did. This was tradition to go to this Early Sunrise Easter Service and sing the Traditional songs and be cold. What is Easter without being cold early in the morning? Not much of an Easter for me. Even now, I still enjoy a Sunrise Service and hope I have time to go this year, either to Redmond's or if there is one in Bend. Last year, I was probing those around me who had lived in the area if there was a Community Sunrise Service but never found of where one might be in Salem.
Then, after the Sunrise Service, we would head home and get ready, put on special Easter outfits, have Easter Breakfast, and head to the High School to get ready for the Service, but all that is to come in the next few posts.

It is a great memory from childhood.

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