April 28, 2011


Oh yes, ANOTHER post (a bit late) on my Easter... This one is not for weak stomachs because it has a weak stomach in it...

While I was in the process of making my Easter Breakfast on Saturday morning I was making a mess. I had a brand new container of Dry Mustard so I had to break the seal and open the container. Well, it popped open and was VERY full... it spilled some of the mustard powder on the ground.
Now, if I was my mother, I would have stopped everything, picked up the mustard with a towel or sweep in the middle of my food creation, but because I am not my mother, and I am myself, I just left it until I was done with the food preparation to clean up my whole mess.  Well, of course, my puppy comes over to the kitchen and starts licking up the powder on the floor. I warned Pixar that he would not like this mustard stuff. He didn't get it at first; started licking the stuff up. Eventually, he did find he didn't enjoy the taste and went out of the kitchen. I just laughed, cuz I knew that he would not like it.
He was acting a bit funny, sniffing around and the like, but I watched him for a minute and it didn't look like he was going to do something.
So I forgot about it.

Then about 10 minutes later, Steve, my roommate-being at the table- exclaims Pixar threw up. Oh, boy DID HE EVER! I never knew a small dog like that could throw up THAT much in one sitting. WOW!
So, I learned my lesson. Don't let your dog lick up Dry Mustard, cuz they will throw up EVERYTHING they have in their system!

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