April 22, 2011

Unexplored High School

Ok, now for the REAL Reason for the postings about Easter- The actual Easter Service.  Way back when, our church would rent out the High School Auditorium to have one big service rather than multiple services or overpacking the house. We did this a number of times at Redmond FBC. It was quite a bit of work, but so worth it and a lot of fun.

What I remember most about these times was illegal stuff though. One time, breaking into the school. Another, sneaking to restricted areas with friends.

So, as a young kid, I always wanted to go to the Music rehearsals and go with dad early on Easter Sunday, but do parents really expect me to just SIT? in a seat the whole time and a huge HS that I could explore instead? Well, I did not just sit for the whole rehearsal and early times.  Instead, I went around the area looking for open rooms to explore. Sure enough, some were open. One room that I was especially happy to see open was the sound/light room at RHS that is upstairs in the Aud. It was quite fun to sneak into and watch everything from the highest point. Once I found this, of course I always wanted to go back each year and watch Easter Service from there. Some years it was Open, some closed. (But I found a way around closed)
Another special find that I found at the HS was a side room that was mostly storage, but also had a catwalk. I was SO going up there. So, I would like a cat, walk up the ladder to the top and found all sorts of fun places to run around. One of these walks ran close to the top audio/light room, so the years that it was locked, I would find a way in using the Catwalk. I know, illegal, opps. It was sure fun though.
And of course, I had to show Ryan, and Joe, and Robyn too.

Another Easter, we were waiting to unpack all of our church stuff but the problem was that our Janitor was not there yet to open the doors. It was kinda boring and a bit cold and so I decided I would just go and check on each outside door. I went all the way around the school. I found an open door and then I had to find my way to the door we were waiting at... It was dark and hard to find my place around a huge HS that I have not been to. I finally found it and we got all our stuff partially in at least. When the guy came to open the door and found us in there he asked me to show him the door that was open so he could lock it.

Fun Easter memories.

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