April 6, 2011

Hold it Against Me! (Nope, this has nothing to do with the PickUp Line)

So, this was quite a sad sight a few weeks ago when I was at Soba in Downtown Bend. I saw a couple around my age who were having lunch together. (That was not the sad part). As they were waiting for their lunch to be delivered to their table, they both whipped out their mobile devices and started fiddling with em. They were right there sitting next to a loved one and instead of talking with each other, they felt it was more important to connect with the web, or text, or FB update, or who knows what. To me, that is tacky and makes you look like you don't care about the other person enough to give them your attention. It looked much like this photo.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY and Gadgets, but with everything that they can do with connecting with people far away, it seems at times they take away the connection with people close to us. I hope that I never get that involved in my medium that I neglect a loved one like that. Who knows, perhaps I already have. I know that I whip out my laptop at the first moment that I get bored (if I have it close, which I often do) but I would hope that no one has caught me whipping out a device at the table over a conversation with someone I am eating with.
That being said, I don't have a problem with a quick check. It is nice to keep in contact with people and so on. I am not saying to ignore EVERY single email, and phone call, and text, (but really if you do, will you die?), but what I am saying is using your whole meal time on the device... That is tacky.

Anyone who reads this DOES have permission to use these words of mine against me to keep me in check when I should be spending time with close connections rather than surfing the web. This does not apply to all times, but times of real/deep conversations and situations where using a device it disrespectful.


Unknown said...

I totally agree!!

bobbi said...

Way to lay it out Tim! I love your comments you are right on and a very sensitive nice young man!

bobbi said...

Sorry about that Tim this is MaryAnn leaving you a message...Bobbi Sue spent the night to help her mama buy an iPhone and I just realized it said Bobbi said the message but its from me! Guess why I had to buy a new iPhone Bobbi was in my car driving me without a lid on her coffee and I dropped my cheapo phone in it....I had an upgrade and I am with the times now!!!! LOL