September 30, 2011

Batteries Not Included

A few years ago for my birthday, I asked for an iPod Dock Portable Stereo System and my parents were wonderful to get my one. It was Logitec and it worked amazingly. The sound was quality. The system was easy to use. It was super simple to move. THEN the worst happened. I left the thing outside near the Hot Tub. It rained, got wet and did not work one bit after that. I tried what I could, but getting wet ruined it for good.

A while later, after a considerable mourning period, I decided this summer that I wanted another one. Now, most everyone knows that I am a cheapskate. I hate to pay full price and try to skim by the the best deal and sometimes that gets me into trouble with brands and quality and such. Well, as I was looking for the perfect replacement for this wonderful Logitec (if not UN-Water-Resistant) system, I was appauled at the prices to which these docks were selling. The cheap-o's were $35-$40 and then of course there was the Top-Of-The-Line… Bose for a staggering $300.

I searched all around, online, local, everywhere to find that, lo and behold the dock I wanted was the Logitec dock that I ruined previously. Well, I decided to get that exact one and looked at prices. The best price was of course. So, I purchased it around July.

I have been using it without issue until this afternoon. I took the thing outside to use while washing and cleaning my car. I know what you are thinking, but NO, I did not spray it and ruin yet another one. I turned it on to find out that the speakers were going in and out. I had no clue what was wrong. I had used it so many other times and it worked great. Well, after some troubleshooting, I found that I had used up the battery portion of the system and the batteries were going dead. The thing takes 6 batteries and I keep it plugged in most of the time, but it was enough to drain the thing, bummer.

So, I was happy to be able to put in new batteries and not have to call Logitec and feel like an Idiot when they say, "Have you tried changing the batteries?"
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm one of those people, the kind that woudn't think to check the batteries or if my computer was plugged in.....