September 9, 2011


I was certainly happy tonight when I was watching the News with Brian Williams.

Ever since the start of 2010, I have been calling the years by two numbers- Twenty-Ten. Not Two-Thousand-Ten and so on. I feel that in the nineties, we did not call the year One-Thousand-Nine-Hundred-Ninty-Nine, we called it Nineteen-Ninty-Nine, so it makes sense to continue the trend to say Twenty-Ten, Twenty-Eleven, and so on. I think my logic is sound, right? The only reason we were calling it 2000 was because we can't say Twenty-Zero, or Twenty-Oh-One. It just doesn't make sense, but now we have hit the double digits again, we should return to Twenty-Eleven and continue on from there.

I actually, was in a classroom in 2010 (Twenty-Ten) and during calendar time the teacher had already sent a precedent of saying the year the other way and because it was not my classroom, I felt I needed to respect her ideas there and did not try to change the system in that class, even when a few students would say 2010 my way.

Back to the News, Brian Williams tonight was talking about the 10 year anniversary of 9/11/01 and he was saying this year the way I say it, so hopefully it is starting to catch on (not because of me, but just because it seems logical to say it that way when looking back on the previous years.)

If you think about it, if we keep on saying the year the other way (which honestly, seems to be the norm right now) what will happen in a hundred years- granted I won't be there to witness it most likely, but still-- what happens in the year 2113- are we going to say the year is Two-Thousand-One-Hundred-Thirteen? Or are we going to say Twenty-One-Thirteen. I think it just makes sense.

That is my persuasion to you, my vast readers, follow me and Brian Williams- say Twenty-Eleven. (I know I have written about the way we say the year before, but it was on my mind and I had further backup this time)


Unknown said...

I only ever hear it your way and am not happy....and there isn't a good or logical reason I like it said out all purty like, I just think it sounds better! ;-)

TimKirkman said...

well, I am glad to hear the right way is starting to catch on... must be mine and Brian Williams influence. hehe