September 23, 2009

Cleaning and Old Times

This morning was a cleaning time. Every once in a while, I just need to take some time, turn on some music, go through and organize my room, or house, or whatever. And that time had come this morning. Honestly, if my mother was looking on she would probably not notice much difference, but it makes all the difference for me. Its just the way I am. I got my files in order and where I knew they were, and cleaned my workspace, my table tops ect.
I love organizing things. I just love taking the time to put things where they need to go.  Now, I am really ready for the school year to start next week. After that first week of school, then I am off to go home for a wedding of my good friends, Shawn and Megan. That will be a good week/end because I will get to see family, and then go to my old church on Sunday and the college group on Sunday night. That will be a good time of catching up with friends.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

I agree-it always feels good to get things in order! Good for you, to be ready to go :)