September 27, 2009

Great weekend.

One of the great weekends.
From my former church, I used to help out with Middle School and High School Youth Groups, and one tradition that FBC Bend has had for a long time is going to SeaKrest Resort in Newport, each fall. They have some fun there for the weekend and then on the way home, drive back through Salem to hit Up Olive Garden before the trip home (although, my guess would be that this is the last year for that because the Olive Garden in Bend will be in opperation by this time next year.) So, I was thinking about their trip. I have been to the SeaKrest trip two years in a row, and thought of the group going this year. Since I am living in Salem, I thought I would contact the leaders and ask them if I could join in on the Olive Garden get-together since I am right here. They said yeah, but why not come for the whole weekend. I thought about it and decided that would be a good idea.
So, this weekend I went to SeaKrest, to hang with some old friends. It was a good time. Because of the way that my family left the church because of Dad's job and whatnot, I was worried that it might be a bit awkward seeing some of these people, but thankfully, it was not one bit awkward. It felt like old times, and the students loved seeing me there, especially my former MS Students that kinda grew up with me as their Sunday School leader.

Because I wanted to make the most of it, I left earlier than the others, to do some hangin' out at the coast on my own. I left on Friday, just after noon and went to Lincoln City. I did some shopping at the Goodwill where I looked for a Mo's shirt to buy among others, and found 5 Mo's shirts, all of which were too small for me. I was bummed. Anyways, I also went to the Outlet stores and had some fun there. I went to the Beach, and took some photos, and walked for a bit. I went for a dinner at the Lincoln City Mo's for Dinner of Clam Chowder. It was great. (If you want to know more about the Mo's dinner, go to my previous post that has more about that)
Then I left Lincoln City, and headed to Newport. I just tried to find stuff to do there, going the beach and some various stores. After quite a while, I just parked near SeaKrest to wait for the first van to roll on up. When they arrived, I parked and got out and waited to see how long it would take for people to see me. (Oh did I mention, that this was a surprise that I was coming). I just stood in the dark by the van as the students were getting out. The first looked over near me but just walked in, then another looked my way and said, wait, who is that, and then found out. It was a good reaction.
Anyways, we all got into the lodge and started to unpack, then watched some wonderful YouTube Vids.
The late van came and they were also very happy to see me. Saturday, I got up and had some breakfast, and just hung out for a bit, then I went with most of the Staff to plan out the rest of the day as some other staff was doing the teaching. We were getting ready for a Photo Scavenger Hunt in Newport's Bayfront. It was a pretty tough scavenger hunt and noone got all of the clues, but we all did well.
After the Scavenger Hunt, we went back to the lodge and rested. Some went around the lodge or walked down to the beach. Saturday night, I walked down to the Beach myself just to be by myself and take in God, and his Majestic creation. It makes you feel so small when you are by yourself on the beach that is dark and empty and you see the crashing of the Ocean and the Stars in the Sky. It was an amazing feeling, one that I had to just  sing out a song while I was there contemplating the AWE of God.
It was very neat to hear part of a reaction to the Creation trip this summer when one of the girls rededicated her live to Christ. Very powerful. Then afterwards during some free time I was noticing one of the leaders talking with one of the other girls, and they looked like they were having a serious convo. She ended up rededicating her life as well. Those two girls (and the many others) are reasons why we do events like Creation and SeaKrest. Powerful stuff.
Sunday, I got up nice and early so I could make it back home in time to shower and get ready for church in Salem. After Sunday School and Church, I met up with the group again in Salem at the Olive Garden and we had some good lunch. I had Soup, Salad, and Bread sticks and it was pretty much AMAZING. I am one who does not usually change my dishes when I find a good one at a restaurant. I just like having what I know is good. I usually get Pasta Fagiual (Spelling?). Well, not today. I decided to get one that is fairly new that I had not noticed before. It was Chicken and Gnocchi. IT WAS SUPERB. I would highly recommend this soup.

Now, I start school tomorrow. I have a class on Mondays from 4:30-7:15 on campus. I think it will be fun. The other classes I have are all online so I can do them whenever I feel like it. Perfect weekend for the start of a school year. Then, this Wednesday I am planning to head home to Central Oregon for a Wedding that is planned for Saturday. I need to be there by Friday night for the rehearsal, but would like to have extra time to see family and get ready for the wedding.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun weekend, I'm really glad it wasn't akward at all. I wonder if poeple who live near the beach are as in awe of our mountains, deserts etc etc etc, as we are of thier ocean?? Have fun actually "going" to school!

Bekah said...

it does sound like the most perfect start to your school year. which, you are IN CLASS right as i write this - HAH! kinda funny how that happens. I would love to be on the beach alone sometime. Maybe when i get a new car i will drive to Duluth by myself and sing out a song :)

TimKirkman said...

Yes, Bekah, you should go to the beach all by youself. It is an amazing experience.