September 15, 2009

Make it My Home

Last night was a good night. I went to the Veritas Group from First Baptist Salem and really felt welcome. I got there and it was a bit awkward, because they were pretty much all new people for me, but I worked hard at talking with people and not just standing in a corner, and they worked hard at talking with me and including me as well. It was a good time to join the group because it was the kickoff and there were many new people there. After a few minutes of talking and getting to know new people, they started their group, this was by playing a game called Shuffle Your Buns. I am usually not a game person- especially since I am out of Jr High, but this one wasn't so bad, not too much skill needed. Still not my favorite thing to do, but I didn't mind it as much. Then we had a few worship songs by Caleb Ray- he is a Western Student and very good at singing and playing Guitar. They Matt Baker- the High School Youth Pastor gave a great discussion about the Psalms and Mirrors. He even broke the mirror he was using and used it as an illustration. It tied into the Worship theme that the church started on Sunday. He did a great job.
After the teaching time, we had more great worship. Then, we had dinner. That was great. For the time that we were eating though, it was a bit too much food. They should really think about just having a mid-range snack rather than dinner because we at around 8:30 or 9. But it was still good, there were Enchaladas, Mexican Rice, salad, and IceCream, woohoo.

I met a lot of nice people and have decided to make First Baptist Salem my church. They are even planning a trip to SeaKrest, which They Own. I was thinking SeaKrest was owned by First Baptist of Eugene or something, but No, Its FBC Salem. The thing is that I have to choose because I was planning on heading to a Skillet/HawkNelson/DecyferDown Concert of the 30th (Which is the first day of the SeaKrest trip). But I think I might be able to do both, and if not, I have seen Skillet and Hawk Nelson twice before. So Id have to give up the concert, but I think itd be worth it and I am sure we will have lots of fun on the Coast, good bonding experience.

Since all of you are wondering, No, there were no Red Heads there, BUT there was one girl that I am sorta interested in. No more on that topic though.


Unknown said...

I didn't know a church owned SeaKrest, that's neat that you ended up at the church that does! And what do you mean no more on the girl subject? You can't leave us hanging like that man!!!;)

Bekah said...

do both if you can, if not, then of COURSE go to the concert!!! :) Then we can compare notes between the OR concert & MN concert---i'm planning on going as long as i have a group to go with (which i think i do :) )