September 16, 2009


So, living in Central Oregon has it perks. I have been stricktly writing about Salem, and how great it is, what with its Escalators and its beautiful capitol building, and Jack in the Boxes.
But today, I am on a different kick.
I got an email yesterday that I do every tuesday. It was from my favorite local-nationwide automated movie renter- RedBox. I love this place because there are many of them and they usually have what I want for just a buck. Its great.
Yesterday was different. I get this email in the mid-afternoon and lo and behold, XMen Origins in on it. I have been waiting for XMen to come out and so I look online to Reserve a copy for myself. None to reserve, but I assume, they just aren't working right now and I will just need to go get one before everyone else does. So, I head out to my local McDonalds to find XMen- about two miles. NOT THERE, all sold out. So I try a different one, a few more miles, NOT THERE. So I go a few more miles, NOT THERE. This is getting worse and worse and I keep thinking if I go a bit further, I will find one and it will make my trip all worth it. So I keep trying and trying. NEVER FOUND ONE. I drove all that way and came back with nothing. I felt very defeated.
All this to say, in Central Oregon, I would not have had the problem. I would have found it or not and then went home, but in Salem, you can keep going and going.
I must have went to at least 4 places with a RedBox and came back with nothing. Very disheartening. So, those of you that use RedBox in CO, be happy that you can use it. I guess, next week I will just have to leave earlier in the day, perhaps the morning.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

imagine living in the twin cities and how big THAT is! We have a RedBox in every Cub Foods, Walmart, AND McDonalds and still.....i can get disappointed with the lack of "good" movie selections and drive and drive and drive.............