September 17, 2009

Pondering and Praying

I went to the Middle School Youth Group for First Baptist Salem last night.
The evening started with a get together for the staff at 5:30- we met, talked a bit about what would happen that night, and then prayed for about 15 minutes. This was a good time and it helped me to feel like I knew somewhat of what we were doing that night. Then the students were allowed to come in and play games, mingle, go in the gym and shoot hoops, whatever. It took me a bit of doing, but I was able to play pool with a young man, and also play table ball a few times with some students. That was fun and I got to know a little bit about them.
Then at about 25 after, we all gathered in the Gym and Brian talked about the night and what was going to happen. We played a mixer with playing cards and then got into groups for four teams for a Capture the Flag type of game, but with four groups instead of 2. I am not much into games and so this was not my favorite part, but the kids really enjoyed it and I think most had fun.
We played this a few times, and then it was time for singing. We all went back to the youth room and all the students found a spot to sit. We had one crazy song, and then there was what they called a Walk-on. We met Honis Jonas, the older brother of the Jonas Brothers and he started an upfront game with three people eating Chocolate Pudding from a Diaper. Its great. The students loved this. 
Afterwords there were afew more crazy songs, and then a few worship songs. Then, it was time for the talk. Brian, the Middle School Pastor did a great job of teaching. He had some great illustrations really portrayed the message well. 
There were about 45-55 students there last night. Quite a crew.
I do have to say that even though I had fun, I am not sure that I am needed there. I would rather help out a place that I am needed more. Brian has around 8-10 volunteers who seem very involved, two of which are even studying to be Youth Pastors at Corbin College. I am sure that I could add to the group a little, but I would rather help out a ministry that needs more help and does not have that many dedicated volunteers. I don't know what that ministry is yet, but I intend to find out.
Part of me does want to help him in his ministry because I have been so involved in MS in the past, but another part says that I shouldn't help out just because I have in the past, especially if it is not needed as much. So that is what is going on in my life and what I am pondering and Praying about this morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really? Honis Jonas, is that true? I don't know if they have an older brother or not but.......Honis?=)