September 12, 2009

Questions with an Answer (to at least one)

Tonight's main question for me is which church to go to for a Saturday Night Service??
I have pretty much two options that I have found so far that sound alright; Salem Alliance, and West Salem Foursquare.
Most of the churches that I am interested in have sunday night services. That is interesting to me, because in Bend, I didn't know of any that had a Sunday Night Service except for Journey: Most were Saturday Night Alt Services.

So those are my two choices. SA I think has a bigger crowd- from just the websites I have seen. 4SQ is much closer. I could walk there if I went on a continuing basis. I think that SA would be closer to what I believe spiritually, but I don't know that for a fact. It has a College Group. I believe there is only one pastor at 4SQ, where at SA there are like 30?? Lots at least.

I think I will attend both eventually, probably tonight, and then next Saturday. So, because of that fact, I don't think it really matters where I go, cuz I'll go to both.

I think since it is closer to what I believe in Spiritually, I will plan on Salem Alliance tonight, and then West Salem Foursquare next weekend.
Thanks for helping me figure that problem out.

Next Question- Why is it so freakin hot over here? A big problem is that it does not get down in degree level at night like it does in Central Oregon. Bummer.


Unknown said...

I can answer the why is so freakin' hot question! It's because it's way more humid over there and humidity makes hot feel hotter and cold feel colder, and CO being the high desert it has a bigger temperature swing then other places.

Bekah said...

hee hee - that's funny how you coach yourself through like you're having a conversation with another person :) I think we all do that from time to time.

fyi, it gets cool in the evening (well, most evenings) here too. HAH! :)