September 25, 2009

Rend the Veil

The portion of the Pursuit of God chapter that I read this morning was about Hearts. It spoke of the Temple of God, the Tabernacle. Talked about the different places within it, the part where the sinner could go, and then the holy place, and then the Most Holy of Holies, the place that was veiled off and only for the High Priest one day of the year when he would go in with a sacrifice to ask for forgiveness of sins for his life and the lives of the others. It mentioned how it was the very place that God dwelled.
Then when Jesus' work was done on the cross, the veil was torn and all were able to see inside the Holy of Holies.

Tozer talked about how God wants to draw near to us, but we are the ones who are stopping Him; We have a VEIL on our HEARTS! It could be many things, Selfcenteredness, Selfconfidence, selfpity, or many other sins as well. This really made me take a look into my heart and pray about what I might have up as a veil on my heart.

May we all find that thing, or those things, that are acting as a veil on our hearts that are keeping us from seeing the True holiness of God and ask God to take that (Those) veil away, painful, though it may be.


Unknown said...

(Raises right hand) I admit to self pity, it's a big problem. Gods slowly tearin' it away though......=)

MeganMarie said...

How very true...To quote a favorite song of mine...

"At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There's no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now
You tore the veil
You made a way
When You said that it is done"

TimKirkman said...

Good Song Leggy Meggy, I wonder if that is why you wanted us to sing it at your wedding?? hum?

Unknown said...

Hey, Megan, you can comment now, yeah! Now you can leave long meaningful coments on all my posts!=)

Bekah said...

wow, quite inspiring...i'll have to read it a few more times. Thanks Tim!