September 18, 2009

Silver Falls and My Falls

I was bored today and a suggestion from a friend sounded like a good idea. She said I should go for a hike. I checked the weather and it was a perfect day for it, so I set out around 10:30 to go to Silver Falls State Park, just outside of Salem Area. It took about 45 minutes to get there. A few miles outside of the city off of HWY 22 and then 16 miles on 214. The place was great. Very beautiful. I got to see South Falls and Lower South Falls. There were also other falls, but I didn't feel like hiking all the way up to the North Falls and so on because I took a FALL myself.
I was walking down some steps and they were very slick and so I wanted to make sure that I held onto the railing, and right after I grabbed on pretty much, I took a fall. I landed on my butt and now it really hurts. I don't think its anything serious, but it is very painful with shooting pains whenever I use it (as in sit in a chair, get up, that sort of thing- Not what you were thinking, I am sure. hehe)

But, anyways, here is a link to some of the good pictures I took this morning. It is def. a good destination to go on a hike, but make sure that you don't fall flat on your butt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry your butt hurts when you "use" it!(hehe) I love Silver Falls. Me and Megan went there for a youth thing ages ago, I really liked it. It's so green and beautiful.=) Nice pictures!