September 8, 2009

Tim Stamp of Approval

Another movie to Recommend to allyall is Julie and Julia. If you ever enjoy cooking, this movie is for you. But it also is a movie for someone who knows nothing of Julia Child except the impression from Bill Cosby from the Cosby Show. It involved Norah Ephron and so automatically it was good for me because she is the one responsible for Sleepless in Seattle, and You've Got Mail. These are timeless Chick Flicks, and sometimes you just need a good Chick Flick. I know that there are guys out there that are not ready to admit that, but for me, I have to say, for the most part, I LOVE Chick Flicks.

This movie was about a young lady who works at a job that she does not enjoy and is seeing all her friends succeed. She decides to find an outlet. She loves to cook and so she and her husband think up an idea for a Blog. Going through Julia Child's cookbook, every recipe, in one year. At first, it seems easy to her, but after a while, it gets tougher, and it even strains the marriage. But, what I love about this movie, is that even though it strains the marriage, they don't take the easy way out and get a divorce; they forgive and forget and their marriage is stronger for it.

Well, again, I highly reccomend Julie and Julia. It has the Tim Stamp of Approval. This movie is also very clean and I even recommend it to my grandmother- that says alot.


Unknown said...

Isn't it good? I know that I loved it! But with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep, could it have been bad? I caught an episode of The Galloping Gourmet the other day and Meryl's impersonation of Julia is uncanny!=)

TimKirkman said...

You know it, Amy Adams- Red Head- Need I say more. (Except I do need to say more because although I liked to color, I did not like the hair style. I get that they were trying to make her look like the actual person the story is based off of, but still...)

Unknown said...

Hey, I found the perfect shirt for you!=)

TimKirkman said...

Tru Dat!

Bekah said...

I can't WAIT to see it....been wanting to for a while. thanks for the recommendation, it's always nice to hear someone's review of something i'm already interested in, to see if i really want to see it :) roomie and I better get working on that.