September 25, 2009

To the Girl at the Mo's in Lincoln City

To the girl at the Mo's in Lincoln City,

I understand that for some reason those types are comfortable (as I understand from some people who have worn them and talk about them), but please try to keep it covered. It is not something that I would like to see. Yes, you guessed it- your thong.
You see, things like that, some guys (not me) want to see, and if they see it, (not me) they will enjoy viewing it. BUT, there is a section of guys out there (ME) who would prefer NOT to see it (ME), and would not like those types of images in their head (ME). I know that it is odd to you that a type of guy (ME) would not want to see something that is meant to be a sexual type of thing, but we (ME) are out there.

So, next time you wear something of that nature, some of us (ME) would appreciate it if you would keep all parts of the underwear, under something, the pants, a long shirt that will not ride up (You already have enough riding up it would seem), something of that sort, that way we (ME) don't have to see that sort of thing.
Thank You For your consideration.

So, the story behind that letter of consideration is that I went to a Mo's in Lincoln City tonight for a marvelous dinner of Clam Chowder. So, the lady sat me facing a certain way at the table. Since it was just me at the table I was able to sit anywhere, which was a good thing, but she sat me down facing a larger view of the ocean/bay. I start to sit down and then I notice something that I would prefer I would not have seen, Yes you guessed it, the girl sitting at the table in front of me, with her back to me was wearing a certain (Very Tiny) article of clothing. Right away I knew I needed to switch sides. This was something that I was not willing to sit and watch the whole time I was eating my meal. So, I quickly switched sides and everything was much better. I did not have to view that and had a great meal, very quick because it was just chowder.
So, may that be a lesson to all those out there who wear these certain (Tiny) articles of clothing,

cover 'em up!


Unknown said...

You don't wear underpants like that and cover them up, there's only one reason to wear something that uncomfortable!! But I totaly agree with the moral of the story, cover em' up!!!

Bekah said...

THANK YOU TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are not the only (ME) out there :)